pondělí 8. září 2014

First week after release of BETA KOSeek

We've finished the main implementation before DEMO day, which went well in our opinion. We've finished the page with enrolled courses, speeded up loading of timetable and other pages, sketched tutorial's pages, edited icons and prepared the app for Store.
And we've made it, we've submitted our first BETA version of KOSeek on Friday 15th September. Anyway right after that we've found that small bug in timetable (occurs only on Sundays :D) so we've edited that and submitted again. Now we are in the stage of testing. Right now we co-operate with 5 testers (including us). Our goal is catch all the small bugs and add maybe one or more functions to the app before public release of our KOSeek BETA which we plan exactly one week before start of winter semester on CTU FEE.

There are some images of new pages from our app: 

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